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- Fostering exchange between cluster members
- Identifying and integrating cluster members
- Strategy development and monitoring
- Organizing events
- Networking & lobbying
- Creating awareness of promoting cluster policy in the region
- Initiation, development and supervision of co-operating projects between companies and R&D facilities
- Stimulating innovation in the cluster
- Organizing/securing financing and funding
- Carrying out public relation and marketing activities
- Initiation, development and supervision of B2B co-operation projects
- Development and implementation of PR concept of the cluster
- Development and implementation of internationalization strategy of the cluster
- Initiation, development and supervision of international co-operation projects of cluster members
- Cluster management
- Bioenergy value-chain development
- Awareness-raising, education
- Stimulate research and innovation
- Internationalisation
- Advocacy, lobbying
- facilitate cooperation between businesses and RDI (universities and other RDI suppliers) for innovation project ideas
- initiation and acquisition of third-party funding for R&D projects
- Initiation of collaborative innovation projects between cluster participants for technology development, technology transfer
- Cooperation with innovation support and innovation service providers, business and innovation promoters
- Give support in exploring business opportunities
- Consulting and coaching
- Strengthen cooperation and commercial relations among businesses
- Attracting new (missing) businesses in the cluster or
- generating new start-ups to fulfill new demands of the market
- Specific training related to cluster development for the cluster participants (focusing on clustering / benefits of the cluster)
- Establishment of vocational training courses, study-courses, curricula
- Developing and implementing a common marketing policy, developing a brand
- Enhanced external communication
- Lobby to represent the interests of the cluster participants and contribute to relevant policies
- Intensify international contacts and cooperation with foreign partners or clusters
- Initiate and establish partnership in international projects (knowledge transfer, best practice exchange)
- Networking and representation of the cluster abroad