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BioVill - Bioenergy Villages

The objective of the BioVill project is to transfer and adapt experiences gained in countries where bioenergy villages already exists (Germany and Austria) to countries with less examples in this sector (Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Romania). The project fosters the development of the bioenergy sector in selected target countries by strengthening the role of locally produced biomass as a main contributor for energy supply on local level, considering opportunities of market uptake or expansion for local farmers, wood producers or SMEs.

Core activities of BioVill include the technological and economic assessment of the target villages, the involvement and active participation of stakeholders and citizens, the development of local bioenergy value chains and technologies, as well as capacity building about financing schemes and business models. The outcome of BioVill is the initiation of five bioenergy villages in Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Romania up to the investment stage.

BioVill is a three years project supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. The project started in March 2016 in collaboration with 9 partners from the target countries, as well as from Germany and Austria.

Project title Bioenergy Villages (BioVill) – Increasing the Market Uptake of Sustainable Bioenergy
Starting date March 2016
End date February 2019
Duration in months 36
Budget 1.998.917,50 Euro


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement N° 691661

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